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Managing Leave
Tori avatar
Written by Tori
Updated over a week ago

In this video, I'm going to talk about how you need to interact with leave on Rotageek. As we have mentioned on a previous video, Leave can be seen on the dashboard in the latest request section, and it will show you any leave that you have the authority to approve or reject. You can also go into the left-hand toolbar, go to leave admin, and it will show you this in a list.

We're going to look at this test end user's entry here. As you can see from the initial entry it's Annual Leave for the 2nd of May, 2022 and it's a one day leave requests. If I open this, it will show all of that same information, but it will also tell you that current balance, the total amount of the leave requests, and then the total leave remaining once this leave request has been approved/rejected.

You have the option to either approve or reject and once you've selected one of them options, the entry will delete from the outstanding tab and it will move to the processed section. If I select processed, I am able to see any of the leave history that's happened in the location that I am able to approve for.

Now, what I'm going to do is go to filters and go to my test end-user and show you what this could look like. Now for my test end-user for this year, it's going to show all of the leave that's been approved or rejected and if I wanted to filter, I could change the date range, I could choose the leave type for example, study leave vs annual leave or I could choose to just see the leave status if I wanted to see only approved or rejected leave.

Now, when you are approving leave, there are some other features that can show. For example, when I select this leave I have already approved, you can see a warning at the top of the leave. I can see Test Rota Maker is also on holiday. This gives me an idea if I should approve or reject this leave based on who else is off. We can also set hard rules, which can create a hard block on a max percentage allowed off in a location or by position and the leave will tell you once this is hit.

Once you've used the filters, you can also go to the Reporting section which will show you an overview of the balances. I can see here my Test User for this year has a balance of 20 days, they've taken 20 days so they now have a 0 hour balance. You can see this for all of your employees on the system.

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