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Navigating Leave Admin as a Manager
Navigating Leave Admin as a Manager

How to navigate the Leave Admin feature on Rotageek.

Tori avatar
Written by Tori
Updated over 7 months ago

To add, view and process your employee's leave requests, open the Leave Admin page.

Navigating the Leave Admin Page:

When you initially open the page, you will see all leave requests that need to be actioned in the 'outstanding' tab. This will be annual leave and any other leave your company has made requestable.

If you have access to more than one location, you can choose which locations leave requests you would like to view, it will automatically default to all locations.

Processing a Leave Request:

To view details about the leave request, click on it and a new modal will open. Here, you can see all the details about the leave request and edit anything if required.

To start, it will show you the employee who requested the leave, the leave type and the dates requested.

It will then give you the duration breakdown.

  • If your employee requests in days, this will either be a full, half or 0 day entry per day.

  • If your employee requests in hours, it will state the amount of hours taken per day.

There will also be a breakdown of the current balance, leave request amount and a total leave remaining if approved.

Once you've reviewed all the details, you can approve or reject the leave. If approved, the leave duration will be deducted from their leave allowance. An email and/or push notification sent to confirm if approved or rejected.

Adding Leave on Behalf of an Employee:

Click the blue + Add Leave button. This will launch a new modal where you can enter the details of the leave request.

Here, you can add the same details as if an employee was requesting their own leave including type of leave, duration and then approve the entry.

Editing a Leave Request:

On the processed tab, click on the request you wish to edit. Amend the details as required and then click save. If the leave is in the past, you can't edit the details.

If you want to reject a request that had previously been approved, open the approved request and click reject.

Leave Admin Filters:

In the processed tab, you can use the filters to look at specific data to be able to export.

Once you choose what data you want to view, click apply and the list on the processed tab will be updated. You can then view the data or export out to excel.

Leave Warnings:

If an employee's leave request overlaps with another team member's approved holiday or breaches company policy, a warning will be shown to help the manager decide whether or not to approve or reject the request.

Depending on your company's settings, you may not be able to approve leave requests that breach leave rules.

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