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Leave - Fixed Vs Accrual
Leave - Fixed Vs Accrual

Type of Leave - fixed vs accrual

Kent avatar
Written by Kent
Updated over 9 months ago

A company has a choice of using Fixed or Accrued leave per Employee.

πŸ”§ Fixed Leave

Fixed leave can be given in either days or hours. This can again be chosen per employee. A fixed leave will run from the leave year start date given and run until the day before the end of that year.

The employee will see their whole leave allowance and be able to request leave at any point during the year to use the leave allowance up.

βž• Accrued Leave

Accrued leave works slightly differently and works on a % given by the company.

An example could be an employee accrues leave at 10%. If the employee works a 10 hour shift, they would receive 1 hour back in holiday. This works for each shift they do starting with the leave year start date up until the end of the leave year start date.

Accrual shows differently for employees and managers and different on Leave Admin Reporting vs Leave Admin.

What does the Employee see?

  • The employee sees their leave balance for any approved shifts they have worked up until the current date. E.g. if they have a leave year start date from 1st Jan, if they checked their leave allowance on the 10th Jan, they would see their accrued % per shifts from 1st-10th Jan.

  • They would not see any allowance past this even if they have approved shifts on the scheduler.

What does the Manager see on Leave Admin (if adding leave for the employee directly)

  • The manager would also see the same as what the employee sees (noted above) if they go onto Leave Admin and directly add leave for the employee.

What does the Manager see on Leave Admin Reporting?

  • On Leave Admin reporting, the manager would see a balance for any approved shifts on the scheduler. This includes any approved shifts in the future.

  • Using the example above, if the leave year start date started on 1st Jan and the manager checked the Leave Admin Reporting on the 10th Jan but they had approved shifts until March, the manager would see a higher amount of leave balance on the report as it will include those shifts.

The reason for showing different figures is because even though the shifts in the future are approved, they can be changed/removed by the manager. If we showed the employee this future figure, they could end up booking more leave than they would then be entitled to.

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