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Articles to help you understand and use Timesheets
Time and Attendance within TimesheetsHow to navigate the Timesheet feature if your company utilises our T&A feature.
Editing and Approving Timesheet EntriesHow to edit and approve timesheet entries on the Timesheet feature.
Changing a Timesheet Entry to a Leave EntryHow to amend a 'shift' timesheet entry to a 'leave' timesheet entry on Rotageek.
Using Payroll Codes in TimesheetsHow to manage and add payroll codes within the Timesheet feature on Rotageek.
Timesheet ReasonsAdding a reason to the Timesheet entry if hours are edited.
Photo Time and AttendanceHow to use photos to clock in and out on Rotageek via the employee Mobile App.
Pay Rules EngineRotageek's Pay Rule Engine and how it interacts with the Timesheets
A Guide to TimesheetsHow to navigate the Timesheet feature on Rotageek.