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Custom Shifts

How to create and use custom shifts on the scheduler on Rotageek.

Tori avatar
Written by Tori
Updated over 8 months ago

Custom shifts can be created on Rotageek meaning you can pre populate commonly used shifts within your location(s).

This is completed in the shifts sections. If there are custom shifts already created for the locations you have access to, you can view and edit them here.

To create a new custom shift, select ‘add shift’ in the top right hand corner.

Here you can enter the details for your shift.

  • Shift name

  • Worked task(s)

  • Start and end time

  • Colour - optional

  • Payroll code

  • Location(s)

  • Shortcode - optional

Once you save and close, these will be added onto the Scheduler.

On the scheduler, add a shift like usual and when the modal opens, you’ll see the custom shift dropdown at the top. Choose any custom shift you want and the data will be automatically populated.

There is no limit to how many custom shifts you can have. If the custom shift has a skills based task, this custom shift will only be able to be given to an employee who has the skill.

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