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Task Reporting

How to report on tasks on Rotageek

Tori avatar
Written by Tori
Updated over a week ago

If your company utilities multiple tasks on Rotageek, you can report either by count or hours to see how many your employees are working within chosen date ranges.

User Task Count:

The User Task Count report shows how many ‘units’ of tasks have been worked during any filtered date range.

To be more precise, you can filter by location and you can choose to include draft shifts as well as approved shifts.

User Task Hours:

The User Task Hours report shows how many hours of tasks have been worked during any filtered date range.

To be more precise, you can filter by location and you can choose to include draft shifts as well as approved shifts.

If you would any of these reports turned on, contact your Implementation or Customer Success Manager.

To view other reports Rotageek offers, click here.

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